Dear Dr. Cherny,
I have been negligent and tardy in the past to thank people who deserve my gratitude for a job well done. I decided that I would not do that to you, your staff, and your associates. I am relying on you to pass this around so that everyone knows how happy I am with the results of my surgery.
On July 11, 2007, you and the folks at the Surgery Center really worked me over and roughly four weeks later I can’t believe the results. First of all I need to say that the whole process has been good right from the beginning. That means that you and your office staff got me pointed in the right direction which led me to surgery. The fact that I was a repeat patient, along with two of my family members, made it easier. This last procedure was a big deal and I was made to feel comfortable through the entire process.
There were so many nice people at the Surgery Center. The lady, whose name I think was Laura, got me through the whole deal while keeping me at ease. I really appreciate the time that the anesthesiologist spent with me discussing all the aspects of what they were going to do. When I arrived in the operating room everyone was great. The nurse anesthetist gave me a little something, I told a joke, and the next thing I knew I was
waking up. Usually I experience nausea after surgery, but I felt really good. I really appreciate you guys taking my concern so serious and not letting it happen.
I truly expected to be pretty uncomfortable after all that had been done to me. There was virtually no pain and I could not believe it. I was sore but after you have had cortisone shots in your feet you know what pain is and I had none. Of course there was the catheter which I always question why it is done. I know that you won’t confess to this but I do think that a patient needs something to focus on and these gadgets were the best idea to come along. All kidding aside, I know it was necessary but truly that was the worst for me. My friend Sue took care of me all night but remained pleasant and did everything just as she promised including removing the catheter at 4:00AM. She was very good to me.
At 8:00AM, right on schedule, Pam showed up and looked things over and changed the dressings. I took a walk, went to the rest room and was then turned loose with some very specific instructions for recovery. We made the trip home to Pocahontas and still there was no pain. I was just a little bit sore and that is about a 130 mile trip. I need to confess that I did take the prescribed pain medicine as instructed. I wanted to make sure that I stayed ahead of any possible discomfort and I might add that the medicines were a wise choice and rather enjoyable. My wife accused me of just taking them for fun.
I have had a couple appointments since the surgery and all have gone smoothly. I expected some pain when Pam removed the stitches and drains and all of those details. There was maybe a couple fof pinches or pulls, but no pain. I never even had any bruising. It has been a great experience and I really should get back down there so you can take some pictures. I am down to a couple of band aids and the binder. Every time I get out of the shower I can’t believe how I look.
This letter would not be complete without mentioning your office staff. What a fun crew that you have. A guy that does your kind of work has to be very demanding and still they all do a great job of acting like they really like you. They seem to enjoy being there and you feel right at home as soon as you come through the door. The girls at the reception desk are great, the nurses are great, and Pam (Physicians Assistant) is great. Everyone that I have ever had to deal with at your office has been great. I appreciate the time you have spent with me at the appointments and the work you have done.
I made you an offer at one appointment that I would like to remind you of. If you need pictures or any kind of testimonial let me know. I would be willing to speak with any patients contemplating surgery that may be on the fence and wants to talk with someone to get the straight story. I would be willing to come to an open house and speak to other prospective patients and even show them in the flesh what you have done for me. You probably don’t need my help, but the offer is always there.
I have taken enough of your time and will close now. Once again, please pass this around to all involved so that they know that there are people out there that really do appreciate what they do. In a matter of 2 years I was a guy that weighed nearly 400 lbs with a 62 inch waist. Because of a lot of good people I now weigh around 200 lbs and currently have about a 35 inch waist line. My health and appearance have improved dramatically and I owe that to an awful lot of really good people who took me and what they do seriously. For your part in this transformation I thank you.
Pocahontas, Iowa
A letter from Lori; a long time patient.
Dr. Cherny:
First I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. I really wanted to say all of this in a, I don’t know, live testimonial at the Christmas Open House. Weather hindered that so I am left with yet another card.
You probably hear the same thing from me each year yet I hope you understand how much your kindness, sincerity and just in general being not only my doctor, but my friend as well, means to me. You have been there for me through so much this last two years and not once turned me away. You only sought the best care for me, though it be you or another physician. I want you to know that it means so much to me that I can’t even begin to tell you.
You helped me thru the MRSA infection, and really stood by me through the whole process. Only now do I realize that I could have died from that all. That in itself means the world to me. Undo stress with my health and home caused issues with me you were quick to notice and ask about. To have a physician that can care about a patient like you do, I don’t know, you are one of a kind and I thank God every day that I never went anywhere else for any of my procedures.
Someday I would love to tell your patients at an open house what kind of man you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
God Bless and Merry Christmas, Lori
Debbie, a 47 year old female celebrating her one year anniversary of her Breast Augmentation, which was done by Dr. Cherny. “It was worth every penny of it, I would do it all over again without question, confident as Dr. Cherny was my surgeon. I have always wanted to have a fuller and more shapely figure.”
“When I reflect on my experience with Dr. Cherny and his staff – he is the best – always willing to go that little extra, always willing to take the time to explain and answer any or all of my questions. Making me feel like I was important and that I really mattered as an individual, never hurrying me on my way, always listening.”
“I feel better than I ever have. For the first time I feel more attractive and more complete. I did it for me”, Debbie shares, it was so exciting the first time my daughter and I went shopping – it was so fun – to be able to buy clothes without wearing a padded bra and for the first time, wear a dress with a low cut neckline, a swimming suit that wasn’t stuffed, and a halter top – how fun! I was a new woman – from a 34A to 34 C- to 34 D. I feel more complete! I love the way I look and feel!”
“Once again I’d do it over again and again; it was worth every bit of it! No matter what I said I felt comfortable sharing my feeling with Dr. Cherny of what I wanted – always feeling supported. I’ve worked hard in my life – as a mother, wife and outside my home – I deserved it, to do it just for me.”
“It has been 6 months since I had my facelift and 2 months since I had a tuck under my chin. I am so pleased with the results. One of the results has been high cheekbones and smooth skin. I had many compliments about my skin and one friend described it as silky. Of course I have told no one why.”
“I had my doubts about three days after the facelift but in a week those doubts were gone along with the bruises. I went to a party three weeks after the facelift and felt wonderful. I never took any pain medicine and never even took aspirin. All of that was due to the skill and perfection. The worst part was wearing that awful chin strap.”
“I still watch facelift operations on TV and am amazed at some of the terrible things that happen and how long their recovery is. Those people just need a better surgeon.”
“I have never regretted the money I spent on myself. We made a total of 8 round trips to Des Moines – round trip is 376 miles and it was worth every mile.”
“On January 3 I turned 69. I look so much younger and with my excellent health I feel wonderful. I am also more aware of how others look – especially those I know who are either my age or younger.”
“Thank you for your skill and care. Also, everyone in your office and in the medical facility where I had the surgery were outstanding and caring. You clinic has such a warm atmosphere that nerves were never a problem.”
“The skin care treatment I received from the Staff at Heartland Plastic Surgery are second to none. Their recommendation of the Obagi product coupled with micro-dermabrasion worked wonders. I truly could not believe the improvement in the tone, texture and color of my skin. More important than the aesthetic benefits is the emotional and psychological benefit I received as a result of the use of their products and services. Furthermore, and to me just as important, they treat you not only as a patient, but also a friend. This kind of interpersonal relations is what makes it a joy to come to the office. Everyone can benefit from the skin care programs at Heartland Plastic Surgery has to offer and, based on my own personal experience, I would strongly recommend Heartland Plastic Surgery to anyone looking to give their skin a healthy and refreshing look.”
“The entire experience was more than I ever expected. I never thought I would have had the courage to have plastic surgery until I attend a Open House and met the staff. The staff related to me and were very knowledgeable, I felt like they understood everything I have lived with my entire life. Thank you for making a difference.”
“I can easily say that Dr. Cherny is the most personable and caring doctor I have ever been associated with. When it comes to something as personal as your physical appearance, you want a doctor who will listen and help you achieve your goals rather than dictate them to you. Dr. Cherny helped me achieve my aesthetic goals and his compassion calmed my nerves throughout the process. He is widely thought of as the best at his craft and my own personal experience can attest to that fact. I would not recommend anyone other than Dr. Cherny to perform surgery on me as his work is untouchable.
*Results May Vary